2-Piece Bedside Table Set with Charging Station
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About this item
NIGHTSTAND WITH CHARGING STATION:The charging station includes an on-off switch,which strengthens the security.Also including 2 outlets,2 USB ports. It allows you to charge mobile devices such as cell phone, tablet etc.
MULTI-STORAGE CHOICES.This nightstand is with two sliding drawers and an open shelf.The customer can organize their stuff as their need.
STURDY & DURABLE.This nightstand is made of good quality MDF. Remember to install the small fasteners in the back,which to help the nightstand keep stable.
MULTI-FUNCTION :This nightstand can be used as a bedside table,a sofa side table,or an end table of study desk.Can be put at bedroom,living room or study house.
PACKAGE INCLUDE: Nightstand of 2PCS.Package comes with 1 whole carton.

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"Absolutely love the variety and quality of the products. Perfect for organizing my home!"
Emma J.
"Fast delivery, excellent service, and top-notch designs. Highly recommend this store!"
Daniel K.
"Beautiful and functional pieces! The customer support was fantastic, too!"
Sophia L.